Monday, August 2, 2010

Secret Avengers #3

It's Brubaker, it's Deodato, it's Beast and Black Widow and Irredeemable Ant-Man - but I'm just not feeling it. Becoming weary of Bendis is one thing, but if I can't even maintain an interest in Secret Avengers, clearly I'm just all avenged out for the moment. Maybe I'll be more into the second arc, because a lot of my ambivalence seems to revolve around the fact that this is the last team I want to see dicking around on Mars.

I don't know much about Moon Knight, but the idea that he's featuring in this at the same time as the big down-n-dirty, "street-level" grit-fest that is Shadowland just seems ridiculous. I guess it makes sense for Nova, but again - who the hell is Nova and why should I care? Shouldn't he be off fighting Thanos with Rocket Raccoon, or whatever Abnett and Lanning are up to these days? I appreciate that Marvel's had this whole little space thing going on the side for the last few years, but I think that stuff works better the less it has to do with people like Captain America and Nick Fury and Black Widow. Let the space people deal with space and keep the Earthbound characters out of it. That was my rule for Ninja Turtles as a kid and X-Men as a teenager, and it's never steered me wrong.

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