Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Apprehended

As much as I'd love for Scott Pilgrim to have made a bajillion dollars this weekend, I have to say I'm neither surprised or terribly bothered that it didn't. Even as a fan of the books who's been wetting his pants with excitement for a good year now, the commercials really did feel like they were struggling to get the idea across, and I personally know a few people, even in the target demo, who never really got a handle on it - yesterday I mentioned to a 22-year old, male geek friend that I was "seeing Scott Pilgrim tomorrow", and his reply was "who's that?".

Bottom line: I went tonight, I loved it, and everybody's careers will move along just fine. It's not like they're gonna kick Edgar Wright off Ant-Man or cancel O'Malley's next book because the Box Office was disappointing. If anything, the movie might become a big cult hit on DVD. I'm sure I'll be pestering friends into seeing it for years to come.


  1. Lucas Lee death would be accidential though.

  2. The police don't know that - and an argument could be made for reckless endangerment, or maybe manslaughter.
