Tuesday, August 24, 2010

One More Day

As the hardcore-est of hardcore fans of JMS' run on Amazing Spider-Man, I can go on and on about how much One More Day pissed me off until the end of time. I've tried to keep up with the title since then, and even though I have to admit much of it has been pretty good, OMD hangs like a thick fog over everything that's been going on - the more closely one looks, the less it all holds together. Maybe it's not so much like a fog as it's like...something that doesn't make any sense and hurts my soul.

Anyway, I've managed to not get into it here until now, but now that the series is finally going back to attempt a little spackle over the now two-year-old cracks (potholes, really), all the rage has come flooding back. As much as the marriage aspect bothers me, all my most serious questions have revolved around the manner in which his unmasking was forgotten, so I'm willing to delay final judgment on the ordeal until this week's (I think it's this week - Marvel's catalog doesn't care to comment) #641 at last explains how it happened. I'm very amenable to retconning when done well, and it's still conceivable that they'll thread the needle and come up with something that I buy - but even if so, there's no excuse for letting it hang this long.

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