About the Comic


Half-Assed Commitment is a regular webcomic created by Mike Cooper, a part-time videographer, part-time retail slave living in Pittsburgh. Begun on April 6th, 2010, it focuses strongly on comic books, though anything can be fair game from time to time. The title was inspired by comedian Mitch Hedberg, and should not be taken as a statement of intent - Mike will, at all times, be using at least two-thirds of his ass.


For all the geek-culture-focused webcomics out there, ones dealing directly with new comic material seemed few and far between. I'm an enormous fan of xkcd and Penny Arcade, and I decided to go the inspiration route, rather than steal their creators' skins and inhabit their day-to-day lives as if they were my own.

For now.


Tuesdays and Thursdays are the goal. It's working out pretty well so far.


99% Photoshop, but I'll start with scanned pencil drawings if absolutely necessary. I've never really thought of myself as a cartoonist, and I'm much more comfortable with PS than a pencil. A Wacom tablet might be nice someday.

Further questions and/or lavish praise can be directed to upwardprogression at gmail.com, or in a comment below.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! You are very talented, Mike, and I'm glad my co-worker stumbled across your site while googling half-assed in order to properly describe another co-worker of ours. You have brightened up an otherwise boring day in the office. Thanks!!
