Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daredevil #507

On pain of making a second reference to Power Rangers - isn't this whole thing where Hand ninja disappear when you kill them just an edgier version of those generic bad guys that you kick in the chest and they vanish? In both cases, it's really just a sanitized, feel-good way of killing an enemy. Daredevil, or the Power Rangers, don't seem to be murdering people, because there are no messy corpses lying around (though there are bound to be some leftovers), but the truth is that the heroes are violently ending these beings' existence.

Granted, they do make a show of DD trying not to kill any Hand when he can help it, but that compunction is quickly tossed aside when things get rough. If DD threw a hunk of ice at a Hell's Kitchen mugger's forehead and impaled him, it'd be a huge freakin' deal - Spidey and Luke Cage would be hunting him down that night. But magical exploding ninjas? Whatever.

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