In no way do I voice
this complaint lightly, and I'm not coming down on Lafuente or Pichelli overall - both have done some great work on this title and elsewhere - but something is going seriously wrong in this issue. I can only assume they had a really tight deadline to hit in order to keep Death of Spider-Man on track, because there's some outright inexcusable stuff in here - the Black Cat sequences are pretty good, but the entire "now" sequence following Peter and Co. in Queens is full of warping, excessively-sketchy figures, confusing atmospheric effects, and worst of all - page 15, panel one.

The more time I spend looking at that picture, the more confused I get. Get a rough sense of how wide the car on the left must be overall, then try to transpose it to what's passing for the street's right "lane". It's almost like it's supposed to be a tiny one-lane street, but then the white lines wouldn't make sense.
And then there's the mailbox that
couldn't quite fit the entirety of the word "Parker".
Oh, and Peter's kind of floating back there, isn't he? I could go on and on.
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