And I did indeed make up about half of it - the first panel is real, the rest, while representing true information, is extrapolated and not literal. He's explained to me before the thing about April not being a real person within TMNT continuity, but I always tend to put it out of my mind for the sheer lunacy of it. Apparently it was some sort of Kirby homage - her "father" had a crystal that made anything he drew in pencil come to life briefly; April was drawn with a pen, and therefore remained corporeal much longer.
This concept didn't go over very well, it seems.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Tempest
I got a Kindle a week or so ago, and the first thing I did was download a free copy of The Tempest, which I started reading around six months ago. I'm absolutely loving the text-to-speech function, but it doesn't really mesh well with Shakespeare - or a play format at all, really. It'd great for burning through an entire issue of Time while you're doing the dishes, though.
The only thing that's kind of disappointing me is the fact that lots of books don't seem to come with the actual cover art. It's be black and white, granted, but I'd still prefer that to generic text and a publisher logo. I don't know what the deal is there.
The only thing that's kind of disappointing me is the fact that lots of books don't seem to come with the actual cover art. It's be black and white, granted, but I'd still prefer that to generic text and a publisher logo. I don't know what the deal is there.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Fantastic Four #587
With the debatable exception of #86.1, I believe this is the first time I've done a genuine callback - which is to say, you won't really get today's strip unless you read and remember #70.
I was thrilled to learn about Johnny's death, though that's not to say I have any ill will toward the character. But Ben and Sue are historically very mistreated in this series, so killing them would've been bullshit, and Reed is the best thing about the series these days, so that wouldn't have done either. Johnny's great as a foil for Ben and an entry point for young readers, but no one is more in need of a time out than ol' Hotfoot. And that's really all we're talking about here - I mean, there's dead, and there's comic book dead, and then, waaaay past comic book dead, there's Fantastic Four dead. I hear tell that Reed once built a machine to abduct Ben from Heaven after an earlier death of his. When you've defeated Heaven itself, I guess the Negative Zone should be pretty simple, huh?
I was thrilled to learn about Johnny's death, though that's not to say I have any ill will toward the character. But Ben and Sue are historically very mistreated in this series, so killing them would've been bullshit, and Reed is the best thing about the series these days, so that wouldn't have done either. Johnny's great as a foil for Ben and an entry point for young readers, but no one is more in need of a time out than ol' Hotfoot. And that's really all we're talking about here - I mean, there's dead, and there's comic book dead, and then, waaaay past comic book dead, there's Fantastic Four dead. I hear tell that Reed once built a machine to abduct Ben from Heaven after an earlier death of his. When you've defeated Heaven itself, I guess the Negative Zone should be pretty simple, huh?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Superman #708
One: yes, folks, the Boy Scout did it again. The lesson for creators should be clear here: don't touch Middle America with a ten-foot pole.
Two: when all is said and done and this webcomic of mine is but a distant memory, it will all have been worth it if for no reason than that it forced me to learn how to properly spell "Cincinnati".
Two: when all is said and done and this webcomic of mine is but a distant memory, it will all have been worth it if for no reason than that it forced me to learn how to properly spell "Cincinnati".
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The Steelers
Essentially a real exchange between myself and my fellow comic shoppers today. Football clearly isn't a major concern in the hallowed halls of Half-Assed Commitment, but I do live in Pittsburgh, and hey - there's no reason I can't be topical once in a while, right?
Monday, February 7, 2011
Point One
Very nearly included in this strip - one panel of two guys walking along the ground holding a rope, one saying to the other "Why are we walking like this?" Unfortunately, there were way too many actual HAC panels I wanted to use. It's a shame, too; it would've been hilarious for one or two people.
For the record: I thought Iron Man #500.1 was really pretty cool. Having actually gone to the trouble of reading Demon in a Bottle, though, it seems like the modern version of Tony's rock bottom doesn't match up very well with what originally happened. Good thing there's decompression nowadays.
For the record: I thought Iron Man #500.1 was really pretty cool. Having actually gone to the trouble of reading Demon in a Bottle, though, it seems like the modern version of Tony's rock bottom doesn't match up very well with what originally happened. Good thing there's decompression nowadays.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Ultimate Spider-Man #152
In no way do I voice this complaint lightly, and I'm not coming down on Lafuente or Pichelli overall - both have done some great work on this title and elsewhere - but something is going seriously wrong in this issue. I can only assume they had a really tight deadline to hit in order to keep Death of Spider-Man on track, because there's some outright inexcusable stuff in here - the Black Cat sequences are pretty good, but the entire "now" sequence following Peter and Co. in Queens is full of warping, excessively-sketchy figures, confusing atmospheric effects, and worst of all - page 15, panel one.

The more time I spend looking at that picture, the more confused I get. Get a rough sense of how wide the car on the left must be overall, then try to transpose it to what's passing for the street's right "lane". It's almost like it's supposed to be a tiny one-lane street, but then the white lines wouldn't make sense.
And then there's the mailbox that couldn't quite fit the entirety of the word "Parker".
Oh, and Peter's kind of floating back there, isn't he? I could go on and on.
The more time I spend looking at that picture, the more confused I get. Get a rough sense of how wide the car on the left must be overall, then try to transpose it to what's passing for the street's right "lane". It's almost like it's supposed to be a tiny one-lane street, but then the white lines wouldn't make sense.
And then there's the mailbox that couldn't quite fit the entirety of the word "Parker".
Oh, and Peter's kind of floating back there, isn't he? I could go on and on.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Avengers #9
Meh - not much to say about this one. This arc of Avengers is definitely better than the first one, and the art is way better, but I'm getting a little weary of Steve and Tony yelling at each other constantly. It might have been better to do the Illuminati fallout circa Siege rather than wait until they were finally starting to make amends and then fuck it all up again.
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