Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fantastic Four #585

So I've been reading Fantastic Four since Hickman took over, and it's been reasonably interesting, but I'm so iffy on the FF as subject matter that I never officially added it to my pull list until now. I knew that if anyone could sell Reed Richards it's Hickman, but he's been juggling so much stuff in the last year that it's kind of felt like waiting for the other shoe to drop - not in a good suspense way, but in a bad "I officially can't comprehend this anymore" way. Which is kind of what happened with Secret Warriors, to me.

Anyway, while I'm still a little leery about the impending death, I've decided that he's earned enough trust from me that I'm gonna stick with it for the immediate future. And if by some miracle it's Johnny he kills, I might even start buying two copies.

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